Apparently some internet geeks singled her out by calling her nasty names and announcing that she'd been raped by a friend at a concert.
The latter assertion being false, of course.
And all 11-year-old Jessi wants to do is stop the hate.
So she makes a video and posts it on YouTube and other sites.
Does she use a little sugar to smooth it over, maybe plead with her online harassers to lay off?
"I'm happy with my life okay? And if you can't, like, realize that and stop hating you know what? I'll pop a Glock in your mouth and make a brain slushy. Because you hater b*****s? You're just, like, jealous of me. Stop hating on me. I'm just a normal girl who's perfect in every way and you're just jealous."
She then proceeded to flip off the camera.
She later told interviewers: "I just want it to kind of like turn positive," she said. "And I kind of do like the attention but I don't like so much negative attention."
Sounds like you're on the fast track for sunshine, lollipops, and rainbows, kiddo.
I mean, come on. Some people fight fires with water.
Geez . . .
Maybe that lip piercing you're so proud of is interfering with a nerve to your brain.
So what were the results of that sweet little video?
Death threats! LOTS of them! Now Jessi is afraid to leave the house.
Imagine THAT!
You can just FEEL the love . . .
Later, Jessi created another video, this time breaking down for the webcam, detailing how her tormentors are ruining her life, barely coherent through the tears.
Just when you think this video might soften the hardest of hearts, Daddy comes to assist.
He gets on his knees so the cam will pick him up, and starts shouting.
He ends his tirade with the loving epithet of, "You lying little pr**ks!"
Thanks for the help, Dad.
Now the local cops have a detective stopping by Jessi's house to teach her how to properly and safely use the internet.
The words "barn door" and "horse" come to mind here for some reason . . . .
She's also getting trauma counseling.
Show of hands: How many people here think a good grounding (maybe loss of computer privileges) and a little discipline would be a good addition?
But what do I know.
I don't know what it's like to have a social network that's exclusively online.
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