This is where I share a bunch of thoughts -- random stuff. You know, politics, music, YouTube, books, movies, you name it.
Except for Telletubbies. Telletubbies = off limits!
So my first thought?
Yeah, whales.
You heard about that whale that jumped out of the water and landed on a sailboat, right?
Apparently some people have accused the couple on the boat of harassing the whale, and thus ticking it off.
Others insist the incident never happened, and the photo we saw all over the news was just some really good Photoshop finesse.
Well, if you watch the VIDEO (yes, there is a real video -- take that, Photoshop conspiracy theorists!), you’ll see the whale is a good hundred feet from the boat at the start.
How are you going to stand in a sailboat and harass a whale from a hundred feet away?
Maybe throw some rocks at it?
Wait, I know . . . They were using WHALE RACIAL SLURS!
What’s a derogatory term for a RIGHT WHALE? Rush Limbaugh?
Seriously, though, check out the photo at the top of the post. It's the picture of the whale “attacking” the boat.
Remove the boat, and what do you see?
A right whale. Breaching.
Like whales do -- ALL THE TIME.
Check it out:
But no -- the boaters couldn't possibly have been in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Hello! Humans are inherently EVIL and STUPID and WANT to tick off something that weighs 40 TONS.
Give me a break.
Keep your shirt on, PETA.
There are other dragons to slay.
Waitaminnit -- we gotta be nice to dragons, too?
Until next time, don’t annoy Rosie O’Donnell!
She could sink your boat.
I cannot believe how foolish people can be about wild animals. I have heard people say "i felt a connection when the tiger made eye contact with me at the zoo"."The Whale had a tear in its eye after he swallowed the seal.I just knew he hated to eat it but it had to be done for survival."
ReplyDeleteMy thoughts on this whale story is that it was showing the boat who is king in these waters!The couple didnt have to do any harrassing to get the whale to behave like this. People who live in fantasy worlds and actually believe that wild animals are full of love and respect for humans used to be put in loony bins. Now they are called PETA.
Turns out right whales have notoriously lousy eyesight. The general theory (and I tend to agree with it) is that the whale was splashing around, having a good time, when it decided to breach. The sailboat just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
ReplyDeleteBut everybody needs a bad guy, right?